January 2019 THIS week's PICTURE

...Northern Sea and Sand : photo by Malcolm Aslett


I don't think I've shown this one before. It was from a bunch I took on the coast on a bitterly cold day.

The things I like about it are arguably the things that don't work.

The bottom part is made of photos with varying quality in terms of focus and tone.

There is a kind of velocity in the bottom right with things seeming to rush away from the center

The stones stand out, not quite of the same order as other items, brighter and seemingly displaced.

The sky and sea are separate to the land. The line of sand divides them and helps accentuate the different qualities.

The sky seems more squashed because the ground seems to go on for too long.

Though it was the darkness of the day that affected the speed and quality of images that unevenness is what helps my wandering eye

to see the parts as distinct forms and moments.




